Wild Horses

Welcome to my very first fashion blog post!
Yes, I am new to this so if you have any suggestions or friendly critiques or ideas of how I can make this blog better let me know!

First of this picture was taken at the beautiful sim Brand New Colony

Horse Girl 2 Pose from Focus Poses includes the horse!

 All three of my layered tops are from Addams love, love, love her creations! Adele Short Sleeves // Dark Fuccia,  Leda Hoodie Sleeveless // White,  Irina Suit Jacket // Scottish 5

Don't pretend you don't recognize my leggings they are of course from Blueberry! every SL girls favorite place to shop! Poppy Leggings {Extra 8}

I wear these boots with sooo many outfits they are Moccasin Boots * Black from Maitreya


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